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Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Joint Consultative Working Group established by the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community as regards the adoption of its rules of procedure
Identifikátor aktu: | COM(2020)636 |
Medziinštitucionálny kód: | 2020/0285 (NLE) |
Názov: | Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the Joint Consultative Working Group established by the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community as regards the adoption of its rules of procedure |
Inštitúcia: | European Commission |
Dátum prijatia aktu: | 08.10.2020 |
Typ aktu: | Adoption by Commission |
Číslo procesu: | LPEU/2020/615 |
Názov procesu: | COM(2020)636 Návrh ROZHODNUTIE RADY o pozícii, ktorá sa má zaujať v mene Európskej únie v spoločnej konzultačnej pracovnej skupine zriadenej Dohodou o vystúpení Spojeného kráľovstva Veľkej Británie a Severného Írska z Eu... |